A lead product designer based in San Francisco
Yahoo Mail@4x.png

Yahoo Mail Redesign

Yahoo Mail Redesign


The Project

Back in 2015, it was clear that the outdated Yahoo Mail web product needed a visual refresh. Our goal was to craft a seamless experience for users that felt native and familiar. Since the previous redesign lost nearly 25% of its user base, every detail of this redesign would need to be vigorously deliberated and user tested for optimal success.

My Role

I was one of four designers working on this redesign. We separated roles so that each designer was responsible for a specific set of features. My responsibilities included redesigning the search experience, email threads, the flow of composing an email, previewing documents and photos, and tabs.

The Outcome

This redesign was Yahoo Mail’s most successful ever, receiving praise from users and increasing DAUs by 43%. This early redesign was also pivotal in evolving and stress-testing Yahoo’s latest design system at the time. Today, with over 225 million monthly users, Yahoo Mail’s NPS score remains high at 32.



Introducing The New Yahoo Mail


A product video to announce the launch of the new Yahoo Mail, highlighting a cleaner design and upgraded features!


Yahoo Mail’s redesign received a number of positive press articles, like this one!



Highlights & Key Features




To improve the ease of searching for emails by streamlining how they are grouped, allowing users to search for contacts and keywords simultaneously, and promoting the option to view search results by messages, photos, or documents


Right rail contact summary allows for quick access to photos and documents

Improved photos and documents views were well received by users during testing

“It is more organized than the previous version, plus I like the easy access to pictures and documents.” - Anonymous user from survey


Composing an Email


To redesign the look and functionality of composing an email by rethinking placement of formatting tools and attachment options, redesigning dropdowns for related and suggested contacts, and creating pills for contacts


Simplified editing toolbar design is clearer and tested positively with users

Improved flow allows for quicker email composition


Document Preview


To promote this feature’s discoverability, allowing users to view photos and documents alongside an email for quick viewing and efficient multitasking


Usage of this feature doubled after redesign

Improved iconography allows users to better view, share, download or print documents and photos


Email Conversations


To improve the process of viewing and replying to emails by streamlining reply arrow placement, simplifying collapsable messages, and introducing a quick reply bar at the bottom of a thread


New reply arrows on hover enabled users to better understand how to reply to individual emails

Reply bar at the bottom of threads improved ease and speed of replying to emails



A Closer Look: Before & After